We provide assistance in the pre-litigation stages of tax litigation, assessing claims arising from Revenue Agency audits, analysing action strategies and helping to resolve issues before they become open conflicts.

We support clients at all stages of the project, from access to documents and preliminary verification of requirements to technical-economic feasibility studies. We assist in the management of urban planning practices, drafting metric calculations, and provide technical reports on energy consumption (ex Law 10) and energy certifications (APE and AQE). We assist in the design of energy requalification interventions and photovoltaic systems, also taking care of e-distribution connection practices. We also take care of work management, technical support to companies, management of telematic transmission in dedicated portals of communications and data on interventions carried out (such as the ENEA portal), and asseverations of congruity of expenses.

We assist clients in identifying the most suitable building bonuses for their needs, thanks to in-depth knowledge of the relevant legislation. We offer a preliminary verification of the requirements for accessing tax deductions, providing a complete picture of the benefits available to optimise costs and benefits. We carry out expenditure simulations and deductibility forecasts for building interventions, offering technical assistance to define optimal design solutions and strategies.

We guarantee the control and monitoring of Safety Coordination at construction sites, in compliance with Title IV of Legislative Decree 81/2008. We take care of the drafting of the Risk Assessment Document (DVR), the Operational Safety Plan (POS), the Single Document for the Assessment of Interfering Risks (DUVRI), and the Plan for the Assembly, Use and Dismantling of Scaffolding (PiMUS). We check the site safety documentation and the technical and professional regularity of the contractors and subcontractors.